Well, this is it. This will be my last post on Costa Rican soil. I've about finished saying my goodbyes and packing up my things. Cathi Duggan will be arriving here in about 30min to take me back to their house to spend my last night in CR. They have graciously offered to get up at the crack of dawn to take me to the airport for my 6:30am flight back to Dallas.
I won't bore you with more of the same about how much I will miss CR but I will share with you some of the things I have loved about this country. . .
My Host Family - has loved and cared for me well over the past four months. I have made a good friend in my Tico brother, who may even come to visit me in Peru. This family has opened their home and welcomed me with open arms should I ever return to Costa Rica, and they have shared of themselves to make me feel like part of the family.
My Random Relationships - Otero's (pizza parlor) has become like "Cheers". How cool to have become friends with the waiters and staff at a Latin pizza place! In addition to spending time with the friend of a friend of a friend (which happened a lot here), the random relationships seem to be the ones that I grieve to leave the most. Weird.
My new girlfriends - I believe the above picture pretty much sums it up. This is the first time that I have been blessed to walk a season of life with a group of people who all share the same passion for Latin Culture. It was such a valuable experience to see a random group of men and women bond over a simple love of people. We are all going off to different places, different Latin cultures with different ministries, but together we share a special unity in Christ because of our shared calling. Que dicha!
There is so much that I could say, but for the sake of time and not wanting to be in tears all day, I will leave you and my blogging of Costa Rica with this:
"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." -Mother Teresa