Thursday, January 29, 2009

Attempted break-in

So I got home from school today, and my Tico mom comes out of the kitchen trying to tell me something about robbers. It took me a minute to catch on and realize that she was trying to explain how some robbers tried to break into the house last night. She then showed me the front gate, where the thieves had bent the bars in order to enter the courtyard. The gate and courtyard are right outside my bedroom window, and my mom and I were both amazed that I didn't hear a thing! I've gotten so used to the noise on the street, that I must have slept right through it. They didn't actually get in the house, but they did get into the house next door. My Tico dad came home from work a day early to try and fix the gate, and my mom informed me that tomorrow they would be putting bars up outside of my window. It's comforting to know that they are concerned not only for their safety and property, but for mine as well. I do feel well taken care of. Check out this video of my dad bending the bars back into place with a car jack.

I'm thankful for God's protection and provision last night. Things could have easily been worse. Its unfortunate that people here have to go to such extreme measures to protect their home and belongings. I suppose its like this in much of the world, but the US is so far from this kind of lifestyle, at least the mid-west is. People steal here because they can, and because they are desperate. The average educated person makes the equivalent to $100 a month here, so when something expensive makes itself available, people will take advantage of it.

1 comment:

Berit said...

You've been there less than a month at this point and you've experienced a cataclysmic earthquake and an attempted break in. SERIOUSLY!!! I bet you mom went buck wild when she read this. Hopefully she didn't actually. HI MAMA KERR, I MISS YOU TOO!